Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts

Hey, I am not stupid!  Jeffrey kluger  tells us that there are some studies showing that we tend to believe hearsay in his article "I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts." He also claims that people are easily controlled and fooled by lies, especially by "insinuating pictures or inflammatory  quotes."  Even though the information that is presented is conflict, most of us  are still unwilling to change our  minds. That's because of our self-ego, and our brain's working systems. Yes, we all has self esteem. Our self esteem hold us back from accept the truth. That's because  we all want to prove  to the world that we're smart enough to know things.

We have self esteem because we loath to question ourselves. Even though some facts are standing right in front of us, we prefer sticking our opinions  to accepting other's. After all, nobody wants to be named "Moron." That's humiliating.  Actually,  that  reminds me the famous Fairly Tale "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen. That is a story about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades in his new clothes in public, obviously, everybody realizes that the Emperor wears nothing, but they are so afraid to be considered that they are not qualify for their jobs.

We ignore the facts because of our self-importance. It also recalls me the novel  "Being There", by Jerzy Kosinski. Chance, the main character in the book, is an illiterate gardener.  He've never seen the outside world. He learns things  from TV only.  Dramatically, Chance  meets a well-know celebrity, whom introduces him to the President of the United States to discuss the country's economy. Just think, a gardener, who can not read and write, of course has nothing to say, but the garden. Ironically, the President endorse Chance's "Theory."  Thus,  Chance is invited to appear on a television talk show to give ideas about the country's financial.  People all excited by Chance's speech, despite he only talking nonsense.

I totally understand why people  have self-importance, because I'm also one of those who stop myself from facts. Still, even though I have an agreement with that you  know the truth, I believe that it won't hurt if somebody try to bother you with facts.

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